26 de octubre de 2019

It all ends, except tonight

Always waiting for the perfect moment.
Does it really matter?
Sometimes you realize the end is so close,
and there's no going back.
You can never guess when is too late,
to find love, to find yourself.
Well I never!
We find it so hard to let go,
well we should.
I wish I could find the right words,
but I'm as defenseless as a child.
Even so, I'm not the child from your memory.
Don't even ask me
why do I end up thinking with my head
instead of my heart.
Oh but I wasted it so many times
and fear can be so real.
Often I'm aware of what I need to do,
yet still I find more attractive the opposite.
I've been waiting too long to feel alive,
and it would feel good not to be alone tonight.
No wonder why music lead me to dance
as the full moon waits upon us.

Samuel Álvarez Conejos
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