13 de julio de 2011

The wait

I'm going through the wait I never thought I would have,
like from winter to autumn, which leads to winter again.
I'm looking for the easier way, but I can only find fog,
I should fly over the wind, leaving back the past, if I could...
But every step I do reminds me your voice inside me,
stirring up all my thoughts until I find myself at the moon,
making me dependent of the moments we still have to live,
then my blindness allows me only thinking of you.

I'd like to be a bird's song, so that you could hear me everyday,
and I'd like to be a dream to stay all night in your mind.
I need to feel you now and here, from my inside,
I feel I'm dying without those sweet words around me.
Why is fate so cruel, making us being far away?
My heart is drowning in this infinite sea of love,
I grieve my soul when it feels far from his soulmate;
needs to feel wrapped by you, amid this eternal cold.

Hope encourages me to look to the sky, time after time,
to find the melodies which are born in our hearts,
they will bring me to a new place, far away from the pain,
and I'll remember everyday that future is in our hands.

Samuel Álvarez Conejos

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